Wednesday, June 22, 2011

In a state of shock

As the title says, I'm in a state of shock right now. My father has had a minor stroke, and has been in hospital being monitored and treated, and as more tests were done, the doctors also discovered that he has gallbladder cancer. A biopsy will be done sometime today, and the results of that will determine what the next step will be as far as treatment, My Dad;'s spirits seem good considering, but he's not the best patient in the world, which means I don't envy the doctors and nurses one bit. Luckily, I had planned a visit to our cottage this coming Sunday evening, and the hospital is only an hour away from the cottage, so if he isn't out of hospital by the time I get there, I can still go see him during the days and give my Mom a bit of a rest. As soon as I have any more news, I will post it here. In the meantime, prayers would be welcome.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Karna will get them in the end

In my last post, I mentioned a fifteen year old girl who is at this moment fighting what looks to be a terminal battle with cancer, Rather than feel sorry for herself though, she's using this to inspire and help others, myself included. But it's disgusting that there are some out there that are trying their hardest to ruin what this young lady is trying to do by saying and doing hurtful things, Thank goodness she and her mother have now made it so that any comments which come onto her blog have to first be approved before they're seen. Other things will be done as well, which I know from following her blog. As angry as it makes me that these small-minded people would try to undermine people that are trying to do good, I know that karma will get the small-minded people in the end. Good will always triumph over evil,

Saturday, June 11, 2011


One never knows what or who will inspire someone at any given time. I just finished reading an article about a 15 year old British girl who has been fighting cancer for four years. She and her family have been told that there is nothing further medically that can be done for her. She has started a blog to share her story and the things she would like to do before she dies. Here's the link for anyone who might like to have a look at her blog:

If you can't click it, just type that address in your browser and it will take you there.