I know that it's been a while since my last post, but those of you who read my last post will know that I had a lot going on when I put it up, and I needed to take a bit of a break from my blog to decompress at least a little bit. My friend, whom I spoke of in my last post, is doing as well as can be expected considering the circumstances, although as I said, their life has been changed. All I can do is continue what I've been doing which is to support them as best I can,
I woke up to a gray and rainy day where I live, so I can't seem to fully wake up. I don't like days like that as it tends to lead to what I like to call brain fog. Brain fog as defined by MotorizedMillie, is when your eyes are open, and you look awake, but you feel extremely sleepy when there's no reason for it, and no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to muster the energy to do the things that normally come naturally to you, such as put together a blog post that sounds at least reasonably intelligent lol. As you've probably guessed by now, I have a bona fied case of brain fog as I speak. And because of that, I'm now going to close this post and wish all of you who read this a lovely day.
I am glad your friend as ok as they can be. I hope it got better since. Last post worried me. I hope they are ok.